The Best 4 Yoga Poses for Musicians

Yoga is the mixture of spiritual, physical, and mental practices that calm the body and focus the mind. These practices are thus essential to musicians, who play their instruments as if they are a part of their body. Performing with instruments takes a toll on the body every time. This is why yoga is adopted as the primary source to stay healthy and to keep performing with the highest standards.

Musicians practice for hours on end with certain body movements that may not be natural, so it combined with the loads of information that these performers process can bring one to the brink of burnout. If you have ever attended the opera, then we always think about how the individual musicians in the orchestra are in a perfect sync. The discipline with which these musicians perform is impeccable, and yoga is key to keeping up with this load of work.

Stress is another big factor that contributes to the burnout of musicians. Thankfully yoga is the answer to this problem too.

The following poses have been known to be the most effective for musicians:

WARRIOR II:  This standing yoga pose involves bending one leg and 90 degrees, straightening the other, and stretching the arms out wide. This exercise strengthens the ankles and legs while also boosting our lower body confidence. It also enhances our awareness, focus and balance.

OVER THE WATERFALL:  Lay on your back and extend your legs overhead. In this calming yoga pose, the elbow is completely extended, and the hand muscles are fully stretched in both directions alternatively. This particular exercise relieves the stress that accumulates in the hands and arms while performing with your instrument.

FORWARD FOLD WITH SIDE BEND: In this stretch, we raise our arms behind our heads and hold them. Ideally, this will help the muscles in the arm and shoulders to relax.

COBRA POSE: Back pain is an alarming issue for a large number of musicians. The pain usually occurs due to standing for long periods while playing music. This yoga pose helps the pain to subside and promotes good posture. During the pose, one lays straight on their belly. When we inhale, the chest is to be lifted off the ground while keeping the arms straight. Finally, we go back to our initial position and exhale.

“In truth, yoga doesn’t take time – it gives time.” -Ganga White.

The human body is built to be durable, but only if it is kept in shape, and investing a few minutes on yoga exercises has been the most productive method of staying fit. Famous musicians such as Adam Levine, Vanessa Hudgens, and Madonna are devoted to their yoga practices, and it seems to be working for them. Madonna popularized Ashtanga Yoga, which is a form of Indian classical yoga.

Many other popular musicians agree with the fact that yoga is considerably beneficial to musicians by letting them perform impeccably. The industry of music is ever-expanding, and so is the workload. Managing this workload will require mental and physical strength and every other medical alternative to yoga that is available to have loads of side effects.

Finally, if you are a musician and intend to take this passion forward in life, then you must also adopt the habit of practicing yoga.

About admin

Head Honcho, Editor in Chief and writer here on VENTS. I don't like walking on the beach, but I love playing the guitar and geeking out about music. I am also a movie maniac and 6 hours sleeper.

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