
Wien, Austria
Pub: 27 May 2024
Vienna "Salieri & Mozart" International Festival for Soloists

Vienna "Salieri & Mozart" International Festival for Soloists

12 - 18 Jul, 2024

The more we know Salieri, the more we are surprised and respectful for his greatness as a composer. That is why in this new music festival “Salieri & Mozart” we will present the “Vienna School” with 4 names:

The festival offers workshops for Solo concerto, Opera and Conducting.

We offer young soloists the opportunity to work with conductors and orchestra, and special seminars like “How to work with conductors” and “How to cooperate with different conductors and orchestras”.

As we know, many talented young soloists, after the success of winning a competition, before their career even starts have got troubles to play concerto with an orchestra. That is why we prepare your skills for your future professional work on the concert podium.

If you are selected for the finale round you will play with orchestra on stage. This might be a milestone for your future.

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fecha límite: 29 Jun 2024
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