
Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan
Pubb: 27 Apr 2024
OneSong International Music Competition-Compostition Division

OneSong International Music Competition-Compostition Division

01 May 2024 - 15 Feb 2025

OneSong International Music Competition - Composition Division provide high rewards and a professional platform.The Composition Division first prize is USD10,000. It aims to gather the world's top composers through an international jury and professional awards, focusing on Taiwan's unique music as the main competition content.

The competition will be conducted in two stages: preliminary and final.
With the final stage being judged through live performance.

A. Eligibility
i. No nationality restrictions.
ii. Under 45 years old.( Born after February 15, 1980.)
iii. Contestant under 18 must provide consent from a legal guardian.

B. Application Fee and Period:
USD 100 / May 1, 2024, to December 1, 2024 (Taipei time).

The first prize is USD10,000
Total prize is USD86,000

For more information on registration, please refer to the official website.
scadenza: 01 Dec 2024

This competition appears to include an online round that charges over €35. musicalchairs is concerned that the fee for online judging must be commensurate with the value offered to applicants whether they are successful or unsuccessful. Please therefore study the guidelines for this competition carefully:

  • Is the Jury for the online round published and are they widely respected musicians?
  • Does each Jury member listen to the submissions in full?
  • Do applicants receive detailed and considered feedback about their complete performance/score from the Jury?
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